
How To Keep Air Force 1s White

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White Air Strength Ones are arguably one of the about iconic sneakers of all fourth dimension. They're elegant, sleek, and tin piece of work well with basically whatever outfit. Unfortunately, they're quite prone to getting muddy and any stains or scuff marks will be particularly noticeable confronting the potent white groundwork. When cleaning your sneakers, remember to ever wash the shoelaces separately. To keep your shoes pristine and avoid dirt from edifice up over time, spot-clean your shoes as soon as you find scuff marks or residue.

  1. ane

    Remove your shoelaces and put shoe trees or newspaper within your sneakers. Pull your laces out of your shoes and set them aside to be cleaned separately. To maintain the shape of your sneakers, slide shoe trees inside of each shoe. If yous don't have shoe trees, stuff the insides of your sneakers with paper.[one]

    • A shoe tree is a wood or plastic block with a handle on information technology. They keep the textile, plastic, and prophylactic from shrinking or creasing when yous're cleaning or not wearing your shoes.

    Tip: Employ this method earlier machine-washing the sneakers. Yous can certainly use a washing auto if necessary, just it's better to avoid exposing your shoes to that much water if you don't have to.

  2. 2

    Fill up a bowl with 2–iii cups (470–710 mL) of sneaker cleaner or soapy water. Option up an all-purpose sneaker cleaning solution online or from a shoe shop. Cascade a little bit of the cleaner into a small basin. If yous don't have a cleaning solution, you can make your own by mixing two cups (470 mL) of water with 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of dish soap or laundry detergent.[2]

    • Air Force Ones are fabricated out of safety, leather, and textile. Whatsoever all-purpose shoe cleaner should piece of work for this. The cleaners designed for suede shoes may not piece of work as well, though.


  3. iii

    Soak your shoelaces in the cleaning solution while yous work. There are several ways to make clean shoelaces, just the easiest way to clean them is to let them soak in the cleaning solution while yous accost the residuum of the shoes. But drop the shoelaces into the bowl and let them soak while you finish the remainder of these steps.[3]

  4. four

    Dip a soft-bristled brush in the cleaning solution and scrub your shoes. Rub the castor dorsum and forth into the exterior leather of your shoe. Drag the bristles effectually the leather sole and scrub inside the heel where a lot of sweat builds upwards in the lining. Y'all don't need to scrub particularly hard to work the cleaning solution into the leather. Cover each area of your shoes 2-3 times to ensure that you lot elevator up all the dirt on your sneakers.[4]

    • The cleaning solution isn't toxic or anything, merely yous can wear gloves if you want to keep your hands make clean while you lot do this.
    • You should definitely scrub the inside textile around the heel, but you don't demand to shove the castor deep into the insole or anything.
    • For the tongue, lift it upwardly with your nondominant mitt and use quick flicking motions to scrub the leather without wearing it down.
  5. 5

    Step up to a hard-bristled brush if you still see dirt on the shoes. If your shoes still look actually dirty, grab a difficult-bristled castor. Dip information technology in your cleaning solution and scrub your shoes a second fourth dimension. Run the bristles over every department of the shoe to work the cleaner into the leather, rubber, and cloth lining. Continue scrubbing until you've covered every portion of the sneakers.[5]

    • You can utilise a Magic Eraser instead of a difficult-bristled brush if you prefer.
  6. 6

    Make clean any tougher scuff marks with a microfiber towel. Wrap the towel effectually your index finger and dip it in the cleaning solution. Rub whatsoever brightly-colored scuff marks or obvious stains with the towel. Rub the marker repeatedly until the stain comes up. In some cases, it can take upwards to 3-4 minutes of scrubbing a stain to lift it out of the shoe.[vi]

    • This will only work if it's actually a scuff marking or stain. If the shoe has been torn and the interior layer of leather is exposed, you cannot remove the mark.
  7. 7

    Wipe the lather off with a moisture towel and let your sneakers air dry out. Submerge a microfiber cloth in warm water and rub your shoes with the cloth to remove the lather. Rub the towel around the soles, tongue, and heel. For the soap on the inner lining, absorb the area with your textile to lift the soap out. Let the sneaker air dry in a shaded, well-ventilated expanse for 24 hours to dry them out.[7] [eight]

    • Set your shoes downwardly next to a fan or open window to air them out. You lot can exit them outside, but don't leave set up them in the lord's day.
    • Leave the shoe trees in your shoes while they air dry.


  1. 1

    Put your sneakers in a laundry bag along with your shoelaces. Remove your shoelaces and put shoe trees in the shoes. Stuff your sneakers into a laundry pocketbook designed for delicate habiliment. Take your shoelaces and put them within the bag separately.[9]

    • The shoe trees will keep the shoes from shrinking or wrinkling in the h2o. This may cause the shoe tree to rust, merely information technology's a small price to pay for perfectly clean shoes.

    Tip: It's cracking to wash your shoes per se, but it'due south a expert idea to but launder them in the machine if necessary. If you exercise this more than 1-ii times a yr, you may vesture the leather out.

  2. two

    Set the machine to a delicate cycle and launder your shoes with quondam white clothing. Pour a load of old white towels or rags into the washing machine along with your shoes. Add together your laundry detergent and shut the lid on the washing motorcar. Plough the dial to the "delicate" or "low power" setting and let the washing machine run.[10]

    • Washing your shoes with other laundry will protect them from getting banged effectually in the machine. Using older, worn-down towels or rags is preferable since newer clothing may absorb some of the dirt from your shoes if they're peculiarly dirty.
    • Use regular laundry detergent to wash your sneakers. A 3rd of a capful is plenty of detergent, but you can utilize more than if y'all're washing a large load.
  3. 3

    Dry your sneakers by leaving them in a well-ventilated area for 24 hours. Your Air Force Ones will be damp at the finish of the wash bicycle. Take the shoe trees out and prepare your sneakers down on a clean fabric near an open window or fan. You can leave them exterior if you prefer, so long as there's some shade for your shoes. Wait at to the lowest degree 24 hours to requite the shoes time to air out.[11]

    • If y'all exit your shoes in a boiling environment they may become moldy as they dry.
    • Never put your shoes in a dryer. The heat will harm the leather and cause your shoes to shrink.
    • The sun will oestrus your shoes up and crusade the leather to compress as it dries. If you lot go out them outside, keep them under a awning or overhang to keep them out of the sun.


  1. 1

    Remove tough stains using white, not-gel toothpaste and water. Squirt a dollop of your toothpaste over the stain. Rub the toothpaste into the textile of your shoes with the pad of your index finger. Then, grab a clean toothbrush and get information technology wet by holding it nether a stream of water. Scrub the stain with your toothbrush until the stain is completely gone. Wipe the toothpaste off with a newspaper towel and rinse the leather off using a damp material or towel.[12]

    • This too works on sheet sneakers and foam rubber soles.
    • Any white toothpaste with baking soda in it will piece of work for this. If information technology's a gel toothpaste, it may get out a layer of residue on your shoes.
  2. two

    Deodorize your insoles past letting them air out with blistering soda. Get an airtight box or storage bin that is big enough for your shoes. Set them downwards inside your box with the tongue lifted up equally high as it will go. Fill a glass or bowl with 1-1.5 cups (230-340 grams) of blistering soda and ready it downwardly betwixt your shoes. Close the box or bin and look 24 hours. The baking soda will lift out the odors in your shoes.[xiii]

    • If the odor is actually bad, fill the inside of your shoes with some baking soda as well. After 24 hours, launder your shoes in the washing motorcar as described to a higher place to completely restore them.
  3. iii

    Remove scuff marks efficiently with a Magic Eraser and water. A Magic Eraser is a sponge fabricated of melamine foam. Dip your Magic Eraser in a little chip of water and rub the scuff marking or clay to remove it quickly. If the shoe is stained, add together a squirt of dish lather to the water and rub the mark, stain, or dirt over again to remove information technology.[xiv]

    • You can option up a Magic Eraser at any big box or cleaning supply store. They're ofttimes marketed as a fashion to remove marks from drywall.
  4. 4

    Soak your laces in bleach and detergent to dye them white again. If your shoelaces are nevertheless actually dirty after washing them, get a plastic or glass bowl and fill it halfway with chlorine bleach. And so, fill the remainder of the bowl with liquid laundry detergent. Mix the solution together with a mixing stick or spoon and submerge your laces. Let them soak for at least 1 60 minutes before removing them, rinsing them, and letting them air dry.[15]

    • If yous use a spoon to mix the bleach and laundry detergent, wash information technology thoroughly 2-three times before putting it back in your utensil drawer.
    • This volition dye your laces dorsum to their original color. Y'all shouldn't need to do this unless your laces are extremely filthy, though.
  5. five

    Employ lighter fluid to remove paint or gum from the rubber sole. Use a toothpick to scrape off any large chunks of paint or gum. And then, put on a pair of rubber gloves and take hold of a clean towel. Pour i  tsp (four.9 mL) of lighter fluid on to the towel and scrub the remaining mucilage or paint with your lighter fluid. Once the gum or paint is gone, rinse the rubber nether a steady stream of cold h2o and allow your shoes air dry out.[16]

    Alarm: If your Air Forcefulness Ones aren't all white and you accept any color on the trim of the safety sole, the lighter fluid volition clothing the paint away. Only exercise this if your shoes are completely white.


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  • Question

    Tin I put Air Force Ones in the dryer?

    Rio Jongsae Kim

    Rio Jongsae Kim is a Designer Shoe and Pocketbook Repair Specialist and the Owner of Kim'due south Shoe & Bag Repair in Vancouver, BC, Canada. With over 40 years of experience, Rio and Kim's Shoe & Purse Repair specialize in the repair and reconstruction of leather and luxury appurtenances including shoes, handbags, and accessories. Rio's experience and dedication to quality repair and restoration have led to his work beingness featured on Yahoo, Insider, and MSN.

    Rio Jongsae Kim

    Designer Shoe & Bag Care Specialist

    Expert Respond

    I wouldn't. Simply go out them out in a well-ventilated surface area and permit them air dry. That's going to exist the safest mode to become them dry out.

  • Question

    What tin can I do if the shoes are actually dirty?

    Rio Jongsae Kim

    Rio Jongsae Kim is a Designer Shoe and Bag Repair Specialist and the Owner of Kim's Shoe & Pocketbook Repair in Vancouver, BC, Canada. With over 40 years of experience, Rio and Kim's Shoe & Pocketbook Repair specialize in the repair and reconstruction of leather and luxury goods including shoes, handbags, and accessories. Rio's experience and dedication to quality repair and restoration have led to his work being featured on Yahoo, Insider, and MSN.

    Rio Jongsae Kim

    Designer Shoe & Handbag Intendance Specialist

    Expert Respond

    Remove whatsoever large chunks of clay or mud manually. Then, use a mixture of mild laundry detergent and h2o to go the shoes and shoelaces make clean. Wash them in warm h2o to remove the soapy dirt and dry out them with a soft towel.

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  • Bargain with stains or marks every bit soon equally yous notice them to keep the dirt or residue from settling on your shoes.


Things You'll Need

  • Shoe trees or newspaper
  • Water
  • Sneaker cleaning solution or soapy water
  • Soft-bristled brush
  • Hard-bristled brush
  • Magic Eraser (optional)
  • Laundry bag
  • Shoe trees
  • Laundry detergent
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Blistering soda
  • Basin
  • Magic Eraser
  • Bleach
  • Laundry detergent
  • Lighter fluid

About This Article

Article Summary X

You tin can wash your white Air Force Ones in the washing motorcar or by hand to get them looking brand new again. To automobile wash your shoes, kickoff remove the laces and put your shoes and laces in a laundry bag. Put the purse in the washing machine and add together some old white clothing or sheets, which will forestall your shoes from getting banged around in the machine. Add together detergent, so launder your shoes on a delicate cycle. Finally, permit your Air Strength Ones air dry for 24 hours. To hand wash your shoes, starting time remove the laces and stuff the shoes with newspaper so they concur their shape. Soak the laces in soapy water and use a soft-bristled castor dipped in the soapy water to scrub your shoes. Buff out tough scuff marks with a microfiber cloth. Finally, wipe down your shoes with a moisture towel and let them air dry out. For communication on how to get out stubborn stains, keep reading!

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