
What Can Put On My Lawn To Keep Dog From Goingvto The Bathroom On It

Idiom:  In the Doghouse

A man's legs and shoe-less feet stick out of a doghouse in the backyard of a home.

In the doghouse (idiom)

In the picture the man is lying down 'in the doghouse.'   Tin can you guess the meaning of this idiom?

In the doghouse:  in trouble or in a state of affairs where someone is upset or angry with y'all for some reason.


This idiom isabout frequently used to describe a man who has angered his girlfriend or wife.

A dog house is a small shelter with a roof that's made for a dog. It's the identify they sleep if they live outside in someone's 1000—it's their usual place to say and not related to punishment.

However, this idiom isfiguratively proverb the person is so aroused with them that they would like to put them in the domestic dog'due south house to stay awhile because they have acted like a bad dog. (Again, the person isnot literally put into the doghouse).

Sentence examples

I'yard in the doghouse  with my wife again for staying out until iii AM last dark with my buddies and not calling to say I'd be late.

I got tired of being in the doghouse  with my ex-girlfriend all the time. Honestly, I never knew why she was so upset half of the fourth dimension.

We didn't do our chores so nosotros're in the doghouse  once again.

I forgot to tell my boss that his newest client had called twice so I'm really in the doghouse .

I've got to get going now or I'll be late picking up my married woman —and I really don't desire to exist in the doghouse .

My boyfriend completely forgot my birthday so I put him in the doghouse  and refuse to speak with him.

My dad'south in the doghouse  with my mom again considering he's but been sitting on the burrow watching television all weekend rather than helping her with any of the housework.

My parents would put me in the doghouse  if I kept my chamber every bit messy as yours!

Proceed talking to me in that tone of voice and you'll be in the doghouse  for the next month!

You lot look so depressed! Did Jane put y'all in the doghouse  again?

I forgot our anniversary then now I'm really in the doghouse  with my wife.

I had to put my boyfriend in the doghouse  considering he has been spending all of his fourth dimension with his friends and ignoring me.

I'm in the doghouse  with my parents because I skipped school yesterday.

My sister put her young man in the doghouse  again after she noticed him talking to i of the cheerleaders during our tiffin hour.

Tomorrow's mom's birthday so get her some dainty flowers or you'll exist in the doghouse once again.


  • in a pickle
  • in hot h2o
  • in the eye of a storm
  • in deep doo-doo (slang)

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